Anarchia Box

NOW IS THE TIME Anarchia Box

NOW IS THE TIME Anarchia Box

(Ch. B.B.King Oligarchia FCI- InterCh. C.I.B. Ch.Good Enough Anarchia Box FCI)

ur. 10.09.2014

hodowca i właściciel – Luiza Nilsson
HD-    ED-

Badania genetyczne:
PRA1 – normal
PRA2 – normal
Ichtioza ( łupież genetyczny)– czysta 


Ważniejsze osiągnięcia wystawowe:




2nd generation

3rd generation

4th generation

Ch. B.B.King Oligarchia FCI

Zampanzar Blue Note

Dewmist Silver Zampanzar

Telkaro Diamond Dust

Dewmist Silveretta

Zampanzar Sky At Night

Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel

Samsara of Glen Sheallag

Vintage Oligarchia FCI

Dewmist Silk Symphony

Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel

Styal Silksilla

Off Course of the Hellacious Acres

Sansue Hi’Lands Storm

Buttons of the Hellacious Acres

C.I.B Good Enough Anarchia Box FCI

C.I.B. Dewmist Severiano

Mitcharron Love Bug of Francos Valley

Linchael Orpheus of Rossgilde

Micharron Memphis Jazz

Dewmist Serenissima

Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel

Dewmist Shaquille

Ch. Amsterdam’s Delight Anarchia Box FCI

Summeramba Countdown

Shandarell Castaspell

Summeramba Fettucini

Xciting Oligarchia

Summeramba Chopin

Off Course of the Hellacious Acres